- Call for Papers / Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beiträgen
- Issue 3/2018 der Zeitschrift i-com: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/icom
- Topic “Tangible Interaction and its Applications“
- Submission Deadline: 31.05.2018
Tangible Interaction (in German: Be-greifbare Interaktion) takes place at the overlap of the physical and the digital world. Likewise, this becomes more and more important for the fields of education and assistive living. Researchers, designers, engineers, and artists have been exploring this topic for many years now, and investigated theoretical foundations, working prototypes or high fidelity applications for end users that make the digital world perceivable through physical objects.
In recent years, the community has shown in multiple publications and conferences that many diverse application areas can benefit from tangible interaction. For instance, teaching and learning become more intuitive and accessible, or everyday situations and professional work get more comfortable or more efficient with the support of tangible technologies. The research field is very diverse and is characterized through interdisciplinarity – topics like computer science, psychology, engineering, social sciences, design, and fine arts, all contribute to the tangible approach.
Due to its broad presence the German Informatics Society’s working group for tangible interaction (Fachgruppe “Be-greifbare Interaktion” der Gesellschaft für Informatik) wants to collect current projects under the umbrella topic “Tangible Interaction and its Applications”. We want to show the multifaceted representation of research projects in a journal, and encourage teams and interested persons of all disciplines to submit their contributions.
We are searching for current projects in one or more of the following topics and related subjects:
- General research into tangible interaction, such as:
- Evaluation and user studies (quantitative and qualitative) of tangible interaction
- Toolkits and frameworks to support the development of tangible interactive systems
- Design implications for tangible interaction (guidelines, methods, lessons learned)
- Theoretical foundations, frameworks, and concepts of tangible interaction
- Tangible interaction for various target groups (children, elderly, people with disabilities)
- Case studies (method, design, results) with tangible interaction
- Theoretical considerations and design recommendations for tangible interfaces
Innovative applications of tangible interaction, such as, but not limited to:
- Education, learning, and teaching
- Playful learning, Gamification and Edutainment applications
- Virtual classrooms and digital schoolbooks
- Child computer interaction
- Tangible exhibits in museums and public settings
- Assistive technologies in the healthcare and geriatric care sector
- Wearables and e-textiles as assistive technologies
- Smart home applications
- Tangible interaction for collaborative work
- Submission – 31.05.2018
- Notification of Review – 01.08.2018
- Camera Ready – 01.09.2018
- Publication – End of October 2018
Submissions should have a length of up 15.000 characters (excluding references) proportional to their contribution, and should be in English. We solicit original, unpublished work which is not under consideration at any other publication venue. Double submissions will be desk-rejected.
Articles should be submitted to https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/icom
Reviews will be double-blind, hence submissions should be anonymized. We follow a relaxed anonymization model as also used by SIGCHI, i.e. all references have to remain intact.
We hope for a broad picture of the research field and are looking forward to receiving your paper submission.
Florian Echtler,
Michaela Honauer,
Valérie Maquil und
Bernard Robben
(Guest Editors)
on behalf of the working group for tangible interaction of the German Informatics Society.