The Human-Computer Interaction group of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Fachgruppe Be-greifbare Interaktion warmly invite you to the Erfinder*innen workshop Shape-Changing Data Physicalisation at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar on September 28+29, 2023.
This year’s theme will be Shape-Changing Data Physicalisation, where we focus on dynamic physicalisations1 which change their shape. Over the course of two days, we will explore what data physicalisation is and in small teams, we will be prototyping dynamic physicalisations using mechanical actuation (e.g., servomotors) and/or textile inflatables.
To quickly get started, participants will receive a playful exercise prior to the workshop. The exercise focuses on generating personal data that can brought to the workshop and used in the physicalisations. During the workshop, participants receive theoretical input on data physicalisation as well as practical input on how to quickly create motorised and inflatable prototypes. The workshop ends with a discussion session in which we present the created physicalisation, the method(s) of actuation, and the data they represent.
We kindly invite researchers, students, artist, designers, and all that are interested to take part in this two-day workshop. The workshop is free of charge, although a small contribution of 5 euros for material costs is appreciated. Registration is required via the following link: https://shorturl.at/bpLZ6 (please register by Sept 18th so we can plan)
Preliminary Timeline
This timeline preliminary and can be subject to change.
12:00 Lab Tour (optional, although advised as we will discuss equipment and present materials)
13:00 Lunch (optional)
14:00 Official Welcome
15:00 Keynote
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Input 1 – Data Physicalisation
16:15 Hands-on: What Data Do We Have and Concept Generation
17:15 Coffee Break
17:45 Input 2 – Actuation
18:15 Hands-on: Concept Generation and Development
20:00 Dinner
09:00 Welcome Coffee
09:30 Hands-on: Prototyping
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Presentation Round
16:00 Official end
Accommodation & Accessibility
Information will follow soon.
Participants organize and pay for their own accomodation.
Please note that Weimar is a touristic city, thus book well ahead if possible. Weimar has a number of hotels as well as youth hostels.
For students it would be worthwhile contacting the student community on the University message board to see if any shared flat has a spare room for a night. The message board can be found here: https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/universitaet/aktuell/pinnwaende/
Please register for attendance : https://shorturl.at/bpLZ6 by September 18th.
1 For examples of data physicalisations, we recommended dataphys.org/list